Hi! I’m Oliver, a software developer based in Tokyo, Japan, with over 8 years of experience creating performant, reliable, and maintainable software. I’m actively looking for new opportunities, so please feel free to reach out if my experience aligns with your needs.
In my most recent role, I participated in the design, development and maintenance of Ecommerce Search – a high-performance search engine now used by leading Danish retailers. With a background in engineering and extensive web development experience, I’m driven by a passion for problem-solving and a commitment to delivering impactful solutions.
Known for my curiosity, reliability, and constructive approach, I bring a strong blend of technical expertise, adaptability, and proactive learning to every project.
I have a broad interest in software, having worked on projects across web development, robotics, machine learning, and game development. This site showcases my work, serves as a place to refine my skills, and ties together my various projects.